Mission To Streamline

Building the Cloud Backend and API Service for the Pixl Science Instrument on NASA’s Perseverance Rover


Data efficiency, accuracy, and visualization in space exploration can make or break a mission. When scientists exploring microbial life on Mars with PIXL (Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry) on NASA’s Perseverance Rover faced analysis, imaging, and collaboration challenges, a cloud-based backend and API solution was needed to accelerate and streamline data for real-time decision-making.

Houston, we have a problem, said NASA astrobiologists. As the Perseverance Rover navigates the Martian surface, its scientific instrumentation, particularly the PIXL spectrometer, generates vast amounts of data requiring robust and efficient processing and security. The Martian environment necessitates the effective handling of complex scientific data and ensuring that this data is accessible to scientists across the globe. I was tasked with overcoming these hurdles, utilizing cloud technology to streamline data processing, enhance security, and boost the overall scientific output of the mission.

Navigating Through the Black Hole of Data

Initially, the spectrometry hardware took 30 hours to churn out data, making real-time
decision-making impossible. Scientists were faced with a tough choice—either miss out
on valuable scientific opportunities or waste precious time waiting for data to be
Data sharing presented another set of problems. The team, consisting of remote
scientists, struggled with accessibility and usability issues. After the lengthy processing
period, complex data was only available in Excel spreadsheets shared via Dropbox. This
led to productivity and versioning issues, with no single source of truth.

Furthermore, only a handful of scientists had the expertise required for the non-cloud data
process, which involved compiling C, configuring operating systems, and other specialized
tasks. This limited pool of knowledgeable individuals further slowed down the process.


Cloud software PIXLISE has been a game changer for the Mars Rover mission, particularly in its application with the NASA Perseverance Rover. As the backbone of the PIXL science instrument, integrating a robust cloud backend and tailored API services marked significant improvements in the mission’s overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Firstly, incorporating a cloud backend dramatically enhanced data security. By leveraging the advanced security protocols of the cloud enviroment, sensitive information gathered from the rover was safeguarded against unauthorized access and potential cyber threats.

This ensured that the integrity of invaluable scientific data remained uncompromised.

We achieved unprecedented speeds by implementing a system that automatically processes data as it arrives, irrespective of the time of day. This continuous processing pipeline ensured that no data sat idle, expediting the availability of fresh information.

Scientists also benefited greatly from seeing data immediately within a collaborative environment. This real-time access significantly reduced turnaround times for analysis and discussion, which fostered a more agile and responsive process across the scientific community.

Secondly, PIXLISE facilitated a cost-effective solution, enabling NASA to achieve more scientific results without inflating the budget. The cloud infrastructure allowed for reduced computation and storage costs, optimized expenditures, and ensured that every dollar contributed maximum value to scientific exploration. This fiscal prudence translated to NASA getting more science per unit or a significant bang for their buck.

Lastly, PIXLISE’s contributions have not gone unnoticed. The software was runner-up in the NASA Software of the Year Award 2023, a testament to its exceptional design, functionality, and impact on the mission. By fostering more effective data processing and collaboration, Pixlise has set a new standard in scientific software for space exploration.


We handled all backend development, engaging with different teams to identify project shortcomings and establish a clear vision and roadmap. He created an infrastructure diagram outlining the future state, developed timelines and cost estimates, and discussed API and storage options with developers.

Next, we set up the code repository and established various build and test pipelines. We tackled credentials issue management to safeguard sensitive information and streamline access control. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines were established to automate testing, integration, and deployment processes, drastically reducing manual intervention and error rates. We implemented infrastructure as code (IaC) practices to define and provision the infrastructure through code, thereby promoting consistency, repeatability, and scalability across environments.

Our work led to the creation of a streamlined system that minimized the need for developers to grapple with complex configurations. By automating deployment pipelines and integrating Kubernetes seamlessly into the workflow, developers could exploit its powerful features without the steep learning curve traditionally associated with container orchestration. Our collaboration with AWS was instrumental in this transformation, as regular design reviews ensured an optimal and secure infrastructure, allowing developers to concentrate on building innovative solutions rather than managing deployment intricacies.

The Trajectory Of Success